Preparing for Your Bifold Door Installation

Prepare For Your Bifold Door Installation Properly
So, you’ve made your choice – you’ve decided to transform your home by installing bifold doors. As this is a major home transformation, you are going to need to make sure you are prepared so that the installation process goes as smoothly as possible.
Here’s a quick guide to getting ready for the day.

When Fitting Day Arrives

Our fitters will ensure that the opening has been properly measured, and the doors will be made to fit. On the day, make sure that the installers can get access to the wall in question, with a good clearance on all sides. Ideally, it’s best to empty the room.
Remove any delicate or fragile items and place them in another room or into storage. Remove furniture or cover it, and take away any electrical items, particularly if they have a cord that could snag.
Remember: we’ll need to move the doors around before they’re fitted, so you might want to remove your lampshades too. Bifolds are normally fitted to an external wall, so remove any toys, potted plants or other items that normally sit on the patio.
Finally, make sure that our fitters can get close to the house. This minimises the amount of heavy lifting, which makes the job safer and faster. If possible, clear a parking space directly near a flat, level entry point to the back garden, so the doors don’t have to be carried through the house.

Level and Square

The opening into which you are going to have bifolding doors fitted should have a flat level base, vertical sides and a head (the area above the door) that is structurally sound. Although our installers will conduct a survey, you may wish to gain expert advice on structural matters, particularly where bifolds are fitted into a supporting wall. You may need to notify Building Control, depending on your individual circumstances. Contact your local council for advice.
Often, our installers will make an opening for your bifolds and prop the wall using special equipment. These props may need to be in place for a day or so. Please ensure that children and animals are prevented from accessing the area; props are safe, but should not be tampered with.

After the Fitting

Our installers will tidy up your home once your bifolds are in place, and they’ll talk you through the security features. If you’re unsure how to use the doors, don’t hesitate to ask for guidance. In particular, make sure you understand how to use the locks. We recommend that you choose a safe place for keys from day 1, and never leave keys dangling in the door.
Your installer should also talk you through basic bifold maintenance, such as clearing grit from the runners and ensuring the doors run freely on the tracks. Again, ask your installer to explain this to you. Generally, a quick vacuum once a week is enough to keep the runners in good condition.

More Information

If you need to know more about bifold installation, just speak to our friendly team. We’ll tell you everything you need to know.


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